Ullapool Sea Savers make hefty impact with beauty spot beach clean at Achiltibuie

WESTER Ross environmental campaigners who have put their village on the global map got their sleeves rolled up again with another beach clean.


The efforts of Ullapool Sea Savers have been acknowledged in recent weeks on BBC's Autumn Watch and by Prince William in a special documentary being screened around the world.


They were back out again helping Scottish Wildlife Trust - Living Seas at a beach clean at Altandhu by Achiltibuie at the weekend. Lots of volunteers managed to clean up 490 kg of rubbish, mostly bits of twine and rope but also some fish farm pipes..


Source: Ross-Shire Journal

Salmon farm creates 'serious threat' to life in a protected Scottish sea zone

CONSERVATIONISTS young and old are opposing a plan for a large fish farm which they say threatens to damage "fragile" marine habitats in a protected zone off the north-west coast of Scotland.


The Scottish Wildlife Trust has been joined by an youth environmental conservation organisation in saying the plans for a 12-cage salmon farm within the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area pose a "serious threat" to wildlife and the local creel fishing industry.


Scottish Sea Farms has applied to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency for a licence to site the 12-cage salmon farm near Horse Island in Loch Broom, off Ullapool.


Source: The Hearld

Beach protectors become 50th group to secure funding from North Highland support

Youngsters helping to protect the sea and beach from litter have become the 50th group to receive support from a fund set up during lockdown.


The North Highland Initiative’s (NHI) community support programme was established in March to provide grants of up to £1,000 for small organisations in the education, conservation, community service and support sectors in Caithness, Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty.


It has now provided £45,000 to a variety of organisations, including Ullapool Sea Savers which was set up in response to the work of the Scottish Wildlife Trusts’ Living Seas Project engaging people in the value of the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area.


Source: The Press and Journal

Ullapool Sea Savers and High Life Highland project centred on Coigach and Loch Broom receive grants from Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Partnership

WILDLIFE projects in Loch Broom and Coigach have received more than £6000 in a round of heritage project grants aimed at the Coigach and Assynt areas.


Coigach & Assynt Living Landscape Partnership's (CALLP) community grant scheme has awarded £2930 to the Ullapool Sea Savers, and a further £3434 to a High Life Highland project centred on the local area.


Source: Sound Cloud

Unusual catch landed at Ullapool

An underwater robot which got stuck in strong currents off the Outer Hebrides has been recovered by a fishing boat.


The Spanish vessel had been fishing in deep seas when it was asked by scientists from the Scottish Association for Marine Science (Sams) in Oban to pick the equipment up for them.


Source: Press & Journal

Ullapool Sea Savers


Contact us

Ullapool Sea Savers, Quercus,
Riverside Terrace, Ullapool,
IV26 2TE

Donate with JustGiving.
