Dun Canna beach clean station provides litter-pickers and a place to deposit the marine waste that people collect whilst out visiting the beach and fort.

It has seen a lot of use since the last time we emptied it - loads of bits of rope, broken buoys, buckets, shawa gloves, a lone welly boot, a long length of feed pipe and plenty more bits and pieces. All stuff that would otherwise just build up on the beach, or wash back out into the sea.

A system like the beach clean station is a big team effort. Thanks to everyone who has been working so hard to keep that stretch of coast clean and to those who let us know when the bin was full, to Ledmore Estate for hosting the station and lending us the vehicle to empty it, to Ullapool Harbour Trust for the use of the weigh station and the Fishing For Litter skip to dispose of the waste that couldn't be re-used or re-purposed.