Just enough light left for a fun wee #futureroutes session checking the creels yesterday!

Just enough light left for a fun wee #futureroutes session checking the creels yesterday! 👌 Always fascinating to see and (carefully!) handle what comes up - Thomas discovered that sea scorpions make a little intermittent ‘buzz’ !! Anyone else ever noticed that? 🐡 Many thanks to Ian at the harbour for gifting us a some smaller creels and a few top tips on where to place them. 🩵👍 Absolutely loving where our Sea Routes project is taking USS!

Another three fabulous #liveliterature workshops with local author Lorraine Thomson

Another three fabulous #liveliterature workshops with local author Lorraine Thomson

Over the course of the weekend we were also lucky enough to have another three fabulous #liveliterature workshops with local author Lorraine Thomson !

It won’t be long before there isn’t enough daylight

It won’t be long before there isn’t enough daylight to get down to the shore after school - the Blue Starfish pod made the most of every minute this evening, guddling in the rock pools at Rhue….just for fun! 😁☀️👌

Another NatureScot-supported Sea Routes trip out to check the creels

Another NatureScot-supported Sea Routes trip out to check the creels today, taking lots of notes of what we're finding and where, using what bait and whatever other observations we make.

Another NatureScot-supported Sea Routes trip out to check the creels today

Another NatureScot-supported Sea Routes trip out to check the creels today, taking lots of notes of what we're finding and where, using what bait and whatever other observations we make. Starting to build up a good bank of data now, looking forward to sharing it on our website in the next phase of the project. 🦀🦞🐟🦐🐙 We also took some time today to fish for fresh bait and clean the boat - she has been working super hard this week and was well overdue a good scrub down! 🫧 🧽 ✨ #futureroutes

Moments from a really brilliant few days of activity out on the water!

Moments from a really brilliant few days of activity out on the water!

Big thanks to Louis Neate for taking the time in passing yesterday

Big thanks to Louis Neate for taking the time in passing yesterday to show us a bit about what he's fishing for and how he does it!

Ullapool Sea Savers


Contact us

Ullapool Sea Savers, Quercus,
Riverside Terrace, Ullapool,
IV26 2TE

Donate with JustGiving.