
It is essential to us to be well-informed about the things we are doing and telling people about. We all agree that a lot of the challenges facing our marine environment have come about because humans haven't listened to scientists carefully enough.

So we learn about science, scientific method, marine biology and a lot of other things by doing surveys. These are a lot of fun - we are very fortunate to have an excellent marine scientist leading them, so we learn a lot as we go along, and we also contribute to citizen science databases which builds our confidence and adds to a body of knowledge that can be used to inform policy at the highest levels and, ultimately, help to save our seas.

We use:
The Big Seaweed Search 
The Community-led Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Handbook 
And many of us have also recently completed our Seasearch training

Please check out our new interactive map of the seashore surveys.  Simply click on an icon or use the menu on the top left to show all.

Special thanks to

Ullapool Sea Savers


Contact us

Ullapool Sea Savers, Quercus,
Riverside Terrace, Ullapool,
IV26 2TE

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